
Reduce the Force Needed to Position and Transfer Patients

The HoverMatt® Air Transfer Mattress provides an indispensable tool for Radiology staff to reduce the force needed to transfer, turn and position patients using fewer staff. Designed with the needs of Radiology in mind, HoverMatts are radiolucent and artifact free, so they can stay with the patient through any procedure to ease transfers to and from the diagnostic table.

Caregivers in the radiology department are also charged with caring for patients who are in pain, which is exacerbated by movement. The HoverMatt allows patients to float on a cushion of air, providing the most comfortable transfers and positioning. For bedside imaging, the inflated HoverMatt can be used to effortlessly place a cassette, while keeping the patient relaxed.

Using HoverTech’s air-assisted devices in Radiology improves the caregiver and patient experience, while streamlining workflow and reducing risk for facilities.

To discuss positioning solutions that work best for your Radiology staff, contact us at: