Q2Roller® Lateral Turning Device
Position Patients With Ease
The Q2Roller is designed to be used by a single caregiver* to safely and effortlessly turn a patient, while reducing pressure and shearing that can occur with manual lifting techniques. The variable speed air supply allows for gentle and easy inflation of the chambers for a controlled turn. The self-sealing inflation valve contains a flap that can be depressed to release small amounts of air to further adjust the chambers for the comfort of the patient and to provide micro turns.
To off-load pressure after a turn, the caregiver can slightly inflate the opposite chamber to lift and cradle the patient. This allows the pressure on the turn-side to also be reduced.
HT-Air Supply (sold separately) offers two airflow speeds, as well as a variable speed option for a gradual inflation, for patients who are sensitive, anxious and/or in pain. Learn More >
* With the side rails of the bed raised
Do more with less:
- Less Caregivers
- Less Pressure Injuries
- Less Pain for Patients
- More Patient Dignity
- Less Caregiver Injuries
- Less Shelf Space than Wedges
- More Compliant Turning Protocol
Composed of Breathable Material
The Q2Roller can be left under the patient for all day care. The device is an invaluable tool for turning patients that have limited mobility, are in pain, have compromised skin integrity, or are extremely ill.
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources
HoverTech’s Safe Patient Handling program applies real-world experience to support a safer work environment while increasing patient satisfaction.