Get Facts About Air Supply Safety

Patient and caregiver safety is HoverTech’s top priority.

HoverTech Air Supplies have always been safe, and in light of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we confirmed the safety of our Air Supplies through independent laboratory testing.

In Addition to Independent Laboratory Testing:

  • There have been ZERO reports (FDA MAUDE data base) of infection being transmitted by any Air Supply (e.g., HoverTech, Stryker Sage, etc.)
    • This includes past pandemics where these products have been used (e.g., SARS, H1N1, etc.)
  • The HoverTech Air Supplies have been used with over 10 million patients in over 1,000 hospitals
  • The HoverTech Air400G has been in use for 23 years and the HT-Air 1200 for 12 years

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